
Pleural Effusion Drainage Tube Without Trocar

Pleural Effusion Drainage Tube Without Trocar

Pleural Effusion Drainage Tube Without Trocar

Short-term drainage tube which inserts into the pleural space, the area between the chest wall and the lungs. Intended for many purposes, such as inflating a collapsed lung, draining fluid or blood, or delivering medications.

UNIT One Drainage Tube per pouch
SIZE From 6.0 Fr To 40 Fr

450 pcs

Sizes (6 Fr – 8)Fr

350 Pcs

Sizes (10-12 -14-16-18) Fr

300 Pcs

Sizes (20-22 -24-26-28) Fr

          (30 -32-34) Fr

250 Pcs

Sizes (36-38-40) Fr

CARTON SIZE 61x 41 x 35 cm
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